Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Evening with the Elements

Like two characters in an archetypal novel,straight to paperback, accessible, and thick enough to validate the efforts of the reader, the Moon and the Sun faced each other and there was A Great Wind. And as it rose so did the waters, and the People Who Were Brave with the People Who Were Ignorant and the People Who Watched the Brave and the Ignorant enacted a fanciful game of theater, so that the water threatened to lick the clothes off of their bodies, sometimes from below but usually from above, with the night rising from the East and the sun dropping opposite, which might suggest victory but no, it wasn't, and the water churned with such rythym that it was possible to be trapped in its pulses until it was time for the ocean to rest and the tourists to arrive in a spot where people meet, on this beach with rocks not sand and Yes it was entertaining, remarked Yves, and Yes we agree.